Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Skinny Me Goes to The Gym and gets Gold Stars!

In January I signed us up for a gym membership. It's been fantastic! I'll admit, it was super scary at first- It took me three months to get up the nerve to go on a tour. However, I found a place that's nice and has normal people (there were even people my size there!). I started doing cardio only- just elliptical. I could make about 10 minutes max... but now I'm doing 45 minutes 4-5 times a week on the treadmill and 2-3 days a week of aqua fit (which I love!). I've tried Zumba- the teacher matters! We had one that was fantastic, but the timing just doesn't seem to fit our schedule well. I think once summer hits, it will be better.

I keep a chart of my days of "intentional exercise" which means going to the gym or walking in the neighborhood. I think I'm rocking it! Not every week is perfect, but then, if it were, I wouldn't be a normal person! Yes, my inner kindergartner loves gold stars!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Long time, no see

Skinny me...where have you been?
I have been ignoring you.
I have let life get in the way if working towards a new me and a better me.
This week's goal: look at finding a gym.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Skinny Me loves Roasted Cauliflower

I do wish I'd thought to take a picture of last night's scrumptious dinner. It featured a new try for skinny-me- Roasted Cauliflower. It was super easy- chop up the cauliflower - just to smaller florets. We chopped up the whole head. Then we tossed it in 2-3T of olive oil and sprinkled them with some sea salt. Roasted in 450 oven for 20ish minutes- tossing every 5 minutes. There were some that had tasty browning and tender when done. Topped with shredded parmesan!


Saturday, September 8, 2012

Skinny me does Co-ops

Have you heard of Bountiful Baskets?

Well if not, let me enlighten you!
They are an amazing food co-op that for 15 dollars you get an amazing assortment of fruits and veggies. It is truly a great deal.
This year we started participating in the co-op as we started a juice fast. It was a great idea, and now as we are no longer doing the juicing, it has provided a variety to the food we eat.
 Here is what we got this week:
6 tomatoes
6 peaches
6 oranges
6 pluots
1 head leafy lettuce
2 leeks
2 stalks broccoli
1 box strawberries
7 bananas
6 potatoes
5 ears corn

All for $15!! I cannot wait to munch some of these tasty foods! Skinny me loves Bountiful Baskets!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Skinny Me will break world records

Tonight Skinny Me participated in the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey® Guinness World Records  The BIGGEST Shaving Cream Pie Fight On Earth! It was pretty much amazing! 
Shaving cream was everywhere! 
I made the Guinness Book of World Records! I might not be mentioned by name as there were over 684 people there, but I will always have the memories of smashing shaving cream pies and the sting of it in my own eyes. :)

What will be the next record to break? I don't know.... 
What record would you want to break?

Monday, July 30, 2012

Skinny Me and the Platelicker

I have a cat. She's a cranky old cat, but she's mine and I love her. Her name is Chloe.

 However, she believes that it is her birthright to have any chicken that is served in our home. I'll admit, I'm partly to blame for this, but she did come to me this way. I "picked my battles" and never broke her of it.

 Anyway, I found a wonderful way to ensure that I don't go back for seconds... leave my plate (which was previously filled with roast chicken breast, cauliflower and potatoes) on the couch and less than 2 minutes after setting it down, the plate licker approaches! Voila! Since I hate to create unnecessary dishes, there goes any desire for seconds! I shall file this under "techniques to use when I've had a nice tasty dinner and don't need more but want more."

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Skinny Me vs the vacation

Skinny Me went on vacation with good intentions.

Vacations usually mean fast food, junk food in the car and tons of sugar. I tried to be good this time and keep Skinny Me in mind at all times.

As I headed off to visit a sister in Arkansas (she's prego with twins and has a 1 year old daughter) I took a huge bag of fresh veggies with me to eat and share while I was there. It was a great idea! I had oranges and tons of water in the car and even got some nuts (better than chips....or at least I told myself that). The 6 hour road trip there wasn't too bad. But oh boy, trying to stay on a diet while visiting a prego sister and her family is hard!

Pizza, cupcakes, Ice cream, pasta, burgers, barbecue, I haven't eaten this stuff in over a month and I ate it all in the past 5 days! It was yummy, but my tummy is ready for more veggies. The last night there I convinced my sister that we should have chicken and fresh steamed veggies. She wanted to include mashed potatoes, and so we had a delicious dinner!

Skinny Me will know how to deal with vacation. I am just going to work out this week.
Skinny Me learned that doing nothing is the sure way to never reach a goal.